Monday Morning Grievance: Summer Colds

It’s Monday and I haven’t had my coffee.

Monday Morning Grievances Logo 1

Colds are inconvenient at the best of times. We expect colds in winter; after all, they’re called colds, not hots. Somehow, colds seem worse in warm weather. I mean, come on already.

It’s 75 oF [ 24 oC]

I’ve just taken the hottest shower I can stand

I’m wearing two pairs of sweatpants, alpaca wool socks, a long-sleeved thermal running shirt, a sweatshirt, and a hoodie

I’m buried under 2 comforters and two blankets

I still can’t get warm

Making things even more intolerable, I’m technically on vacation.




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3 thoughts on “Monday Morning Grievance: Summer Colds

  1. Summer colds DO suck. Even I had one over the last week and I practically never get sick. Hope you’re feeling better soon. If you like tea, drink a giant mug of it; I’ve found tea works better than coffee for colds (though I still prefer my coffee).

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