October has Ended and NaNoWriMo has Begun

Iron and MossWhere did October go? My favorite month has passed; we will not see it again for many months. Taken so soon by conferences, conventions, and programs – I barely knew ye, October 2015. I resolve to do better by you in 2016, including the tweeting of all Martin Luther’s 95 Theses.

November has begun, bringing with it the accursed time change and a host of other activities. Activities like NaNoWriMo – the National Novel Writing Month. Thirty days @ 1500 words per day = 45000 words minimum. Last year I faltered right out of the gate; this year I have a plan.

Part of that plan includes scheduling posts, so while you may not see me much for the next thirty days, my presence will still be felt.

What are you doing in November?

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