Sunday Evening Glimmer

This week I learned a new meaning for the word glimmer: the opposite of trigger, it refers to a thing that brings a sense of joy or safety. So, pull up an after-dinner drink and maybe a dessert, and let’s look back at some good things that happened this past week.

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Saturday Morning Coffee: 7.22.23

Let’s sit down for a chat about the week that was.

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Sunday Morning Coffee 7.9.23

It’s been a long time since we sat and chatted over coffee. But the pot is hot and the fans give a good cross-breeze and it’ll be good to get caught up.

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The Slideshow Continues!

When last we left our intrepid adventurers, they had just completed a three-year campaign with an in-person getaway in the Poconos. I had shared a good number of photos in that post, but in the immortal words of Ron Popeil: “But Wait! There’s More!”

Continue reading “The Slideshow Continues!”

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