A Relaxing Sunday Simmer

You know when you’re cooking or baking and the smell fills the whole house and it just feels good and right? This post is like that. Pull up a chair and I’ll make the drinks; let’s talk about the week that was.

Continue reading “A Relaxing Sunday Simmer”

Baking Day

It’s World Baking Day! You know I make excellent apple pie, and a few months ago had great success with tiramisu-inspired cinnamon rolls, and every once in a while pop in a pan of boxed brownies, but today I think the most I’ll do is reheating Olive Garden breadsticks 😂 What’s your favorite bake – whether to make or to eat?

Toast the Stars

It’s both Astronomy Day and Whisk(e)y Day, so nightfall will be perfect for pouring a glass of whiskey & raising a toast to the stars and the vastness of the universe. Explore the constellations and the complex flavors of your warming beverage as you breathe in & just . . . be.

A song for today:


Brioche Day 2024

It’s National Brioche Day! Not just a delightful French pastry with rich, buttery texture and slightly sweet flavor, Brioche is also a gold dragon: a steed who became a beloved party-and-family member and my PC Garrett’s best friend. She brings joy to all who know her, so let’s raise a toast (see what I did there?) to this tasty bread and a beloved dragon friend!

Apple Pie Day 2024

It’s easy to eat your fruits when it’s Apple Pie Day – assuming you have an apple pie, of course. And if you don’t, maybe today’s the day you make one. That’s what I’m planning to do this evening, at any rate.

Some time ago, I wrote about the story behind my pie . . .

Give a Cupcake; Have a Coke

Today’s a day for tasty treats: time to give someone a cupcake and have a Coke – if you’re lucky you’ll get a Coke at the same time someone gives you a cupcake. Or maybe combine them both and make Coke cupcakes – although giving those away without eating them all would be incredibly difficult.

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