ENC RenFae

A renaissance weekend in North Carolina, featuring some of the Fae Folk.

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A Cornucopia of Characters at Katsucon

A look back at my first Katsucon.

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Speaking Of . . .

Let’s get caught up. I’ll go first and you can listen to me ramble.

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A Summer Sunday Afternoon

Grab your beverage of choice and pull up a chair. Let’s chat about what’s been going on this past week.

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New Gods of Old Hilan

Our extremely talented DM sent us the best start to June by releasing the edited individual portraits of our D&D characters. May I present to you the foundations of a new pantheon among the gods:

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Run, Rabbit

With apologies to John Updike, whose work I have not read. And with apologies to my friend Michial, who has published works on Updike.

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