Summer Solstice and the Llama of Friendship

We’re Under The Dome this week – the Heat Dome, that is, and since it’s National Hydration Day too, grab your refreshing beverage of choice and let’s sit in the AC with the blackout curtains drawn and catch up on the events of the week.

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Something’s Cooking (It’s Me)

This week’s theme was all about food (and fun)

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Weekend Hibernation

The temperatures here have dipped into the teens, and for us that’s pretty darn cold. But I’ve got layers of flannel, a heating pad, and warming beverages. Let’s have a chat.

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Reseasonings Greetings

This post title was based on a visual pun for which I forgot to take a picture. Ah well.

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Breathe Deep – It’s Spooky Season!

For the past several days, Tropical Storm Ophelia made its way through our area. Today, the sun is shining and I’ve opened the curtains. There are squirrels outside. Let’s sit and chat, why not?

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Sunday Evening Glimmer

This week I learned a new meaning for the word glimmer: the opposite of trigger, it refers to a thing that brings a sense of joy or safety. So, pull up an after-dinner drink and maybe a dessert, and let’s look back at some good things that happened this past week.

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