Last Day of School 2016

Today is the Last Day of School.

Sometime around noon, there will be

yelling and screaming and cheering

laughing and crying

screeching of tires as cars pull off the lot

And that’s just the teachers!

5 thoughts on “Last Day of School 2016

  1. Is that just the end of a term, or for the whole year? In UK it’s half term next week,then they go back until almost the end of July. I think the kids taking exams finish soon, then it’s their revision time. Enjoy your time off!

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  2. Cheers and hooray. I know you’ll be constantly pondering stuff for next year, but get outside and run wild and crazy for a bit, too. (People never realize the hours techers work and what all they do. Thanks for hanging in there.) (and it seems weird schools start in mid August and they should end before Memorial Day. Don’t both and the fewer breaks works better)

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