Saturday Morning Coffee

Come on in, friend; I’ve been expecting you! It’s a chilly Saturday morning after the abnormally warm days we’ve had this week, so the coffee’s fresh, hot, and strong. 

celebratory-moxieWhat a week – one of those long, yet mostly good weeks that only come a few times a year.
I already told you about Monday – and I tell you what, I was riding high the rest of the week. One of my fellow teachers even bought me a few celebratory bottles – not beer, but Moxie!

I celebrated Shrove Tuesday with Nutella & Strawberry-Rhubarb pancakes. Truth be told I’d wanted pancakes all day, but didn’t realize it was Shrove Tuesday until later. I don’t particularly observe Lent, so it kinda crept up on me.


My physics class is studying circular motion this unit, so we went outside and rolled some tires on the field. The wind really whipped my hair around, and my students found it so funny they asked me to take a picture:


dandelions-in-brass-vaseI received some flowers from a World History student. He thought I’d just toss them (they were dandelions, after all) but I found a small vase to put them in and kept them around for a day or two. He was thrilled!

Thursday was World Book Day. I took a trip down to the library and filled out my March reading list. So, this month I’m reading

Scars of Independence by Holger Hoock

Brand Luther by Andrew Pettigree

How to Survive the Apocalypse by Joshua Joustra & Alissa Wilkinson

Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi

The Lion in the Living Room by Abigail Tucker

The Revenge of Analog by David Sax


Friday was a dress-down day, which gave me an opportunity to wear this pun-tastic shirt. Of course, none of my students really *got* it, but one day they will 🙂


Friday night we spent with family. We went out for burgers and cheesesteak then watched funny video compilations on YouTube trying not to laugh. I didn’t laugh, so I guess that makes me the winner?

Anyway, what did you do this week?

3 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Coffee

  1. Nice to hear about your week. Mine wasn’t too exciting. I’m trying to sell my house and last Monday nothing seemed to have happened for two weeks, so I rang everyone concerned, estate agents and solicitors etc, and by Friday things seemed to get moving.
    I’m loving your tee shirt by the way!
    Do you students dress up for World book day? All the younger kids here seem to go over the top and compete for the best costume.

    Liked by 1 person

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