Summer Solstice Shindig

✨ As the moon shines bright on Midsummer’s night and the Fey weave their magics, may your heart be filled with joy and your dreams take flight. Wishing you enchantment and blessings galore! 🌺🌙

Yesterday we attended a summer solstice party. I dressed for the occasion:

And I’m not being sarcastic about that. It’s my summer Pusheen shirt, which has Pusheen holding a garden trowel and a frog living in a mushroom and Bo the bird. I love this shirt, partly because from a certain angle it looks like Pusheen is holding a knife 😂 The flower hat is amazing and by the time we arrived at the party I’d also donned a pair of faerie wings. You can see just see them over my shoulder in this photo:

There was good food and great conversation with friends. It was the first time I’d ever had a Pin’s Cup and it’s something I’m definitely going to try to make myself. I regret that I didn’t get a picture of it, but it looked like sweet tea, so it’s not hard to imagine what it looked like. There are a great deal of recipes online; I can say that this one used cucumbers.

This was my first plate. My second plate had meatballs and tortilla chips and more rolls.

Of course there was a fire for intentions and an effigy – much smaller than Burning Man and the exact opposite of Wicker Man 😂

As our host explained what was happening, one attended said in perfect deadpan

This doesn’t sound very Episcopalian

Laughter ensued, and then ingredients for S’mores were brought out. As I toasted my marshmallow a latecomer tossed a paper onto the fire and said

Well, I guess your S’more’s gonna be infused with my intentions

Since the marshmallow came out perfect, I’ll take that as a good sign.

We enjoyed talking and getting to know folks for a couple hours and then a summer storm sent us scrambling indoors. We used that opportunity to head home, having had a wonderful evening.

I realized later that this was maybe the second party I remember attending that didn’t leave me feeling drained or “peopled out,” and posting pictures online got lots of positive reactions. One of my friends even said

That entire outfit really fits you as a person.

And honestly? The entire evening really felt like it fit me as a person.

Happy Summer Solstice, Everyone

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