Waiting Out Matthew

The cold front that’s pushing Hurricane Matthew off our coast is both a blessing and a curse. Continue reading “Waiting Out Matthew”

Monday Morning Grievance: You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!

I could have taken a hint from Ralphie . . . Continue reading “Monday Morning Grievance: You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out!”

Don’t Cross the Boundary

If you follow American news, you know a storm battered the Southeast this week. Krystal called it “a hurricane without the hurricane.” Schools shut down and businesses closed early as roads went underwater. On Monday, I took some video and photographs to make this montage:

On returning from my rainy journey, I felt this photograph best fit the “boundary” challenged via the Daily Post:

Orange Barrier Cone



Have a suggestion for a poem, photograph, or future post?

Drop a note in the prompt box!


Don’t forget to follow me on:

Facebook – where I share news stories, articles from other blogs, and various and sundry miscellany that happens to catch my eye. It’s stuff you won’t see here! Well, mostly.

Instagram – where I show you my Life in Motion and share quotes and such. The widget only shows my last three photographs – don’t you want to see them all?

Twitter – where you can see my thoughts in 140 characters or less. Also, funny retweets.

This Rain is Ruining the First Days of Autumn

rain on window screenThe rain comes falls down and the water rises up. It was kind of nice at first: a calm, gentle rain – the kind that beats a calming staccato on tin roofs. One week later, the storm is a bad guest that won’t take the hint. It’s October; it’s supposed to be Autumn. Instead of preparing bonfires, raking leaves, and planning pumpkin carving, we should have built an ark. We should have been able to wander about in the cool fall evenings; instead, the parks are closed and I’ve been sent home early due to flooding. Ah well, a longer weekend to prepare for my classes. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll binge on Netflix while power eating my way through our supply of “emergency snacks” and browsing the internet. I may even tackle that reading pile. If the rain keeps up, it’s entirely possible we won’t have school Monday. Thank goodness Hurricane Joaquin has made a right turn into the Atlantic – just so long as he doesn’t gain strength and circle back ’round with a vengeance.

Thurday Afternoon: A One-Act Play

Thursday Afternoon

A Play in One Act

Recounting an Hour of My Life

Dramatis Personae:

Markus – the weary schoolteacher

Nature – the capricious monarch of weather

Traffic – maker of mischief and creator of consternation


Scene: a school building at the end of day – approximately 3:45 PM – deserted but for one person.

M: Finally! Everyone is gone; now I can go home, too.

Enter: Nature

N: You sound stressed. I shall send a gentle rain to wash it away and soothe your spirit.

M: That sounds great, but can you wait til I get home? I’d enjoy it more then.

N: I think that’s kind rude, but I don’t blame you. You know what you need? A pulsating massage!

M: Really, that’s quite all right. I appreciate your offer, but this isn’t the best place, you know?

N: Man, you are uptight. What you really need is a pulsating deep tissue massage.

M: You know what? I’m just going to wait here until you wear yourself out.

[fifteen minutes later]

M: That took slightly longer than expected.

Enter: Traffic

T: Oh, you’re headed home? You look lonely. Let me send you some company. I’ve got some buses in the area; they’ll be sure to get you up close and personal with your fellow travelers!

M: Why can’t you just leave me alone? I just want to get home!

N: You still look stressed. Pulsating deep tissue massage!

M: You have absolutely no idea, do you?

N: Fine, I’ll take you out you ungrateful wretch!

[Markus falls on the concrete patio of his house.]

[Later, Inside]

N: You look stressed. I shall send you a gentle rain to wash it away and soothe your spirit.

M: Sigh . . .




Have a suggestion for a poem, photograph, or future post?

Drop a note in the prompt box!


Don’t forget to follow me on:

Facebook – where I share news stories, articles from other blogs, and various and sundry miscellany that happens to catch my eye. It’s stuff you won’t see here! Well, mostly.

Instagram – where I show you my Life in Motion and share quotes and such. The widget only shows my last three photographs – don’t you want to see them all?

Twitter – where you can see my thoughts in 140 characters or less. Also, funny retweets.

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