Saturday Morning Coffee

I’ve been silent this week; but with good reason.

My book is about to be available on Amazon! I received my author copy, read through it to make sure it’s what I want published, and now I’m waiting for final approval. If all goes according to plan, Stories in the End will be available around April 17.

Here’s the back-of-the-book blurb:

Fewer than 550,000 American veterans of World War II remain. Every day, voices fall silent as time, age, and disease steal away the Greatest Generation. In their passing, we lost not just friends and family – we lose stories, too.

Stories about the war, yes, but also of a world few are familiar with today: a time when war seemed impossible rather than commonplace; when the world was somehow smaller and less connected; when men and women worked to pick up the pieces of shattered dreams, living uniquely normal lives interrupted by extraordinary events.

One such voice belonged to Thomas Judson Poole, Jr. of New Bern, North Carolina, affectionately known to many as “Mr. Tom.” Using stories told around his kitchen table and documents discovered after his death, “Stories in the End” offers a glimpse into his 98 years of life, including

  • a family connection to Orville and Wilbur Wright
  • a boyhood full of small-town hijinks
  • a brief encounter with John Dillinger
  • a twenty-year stint in the navy
  • a plan to catch turtles for Campbell’s Soup

This is the story of a lifetime.

What have you been up to?

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