Talking on the Front Porch

This past weekend The Front Porch Show kindly interviewed me regarding Stories in the End.

You can listen to my segment here; they graciously released my interview as a separate download in addition to a regular segment on the show.

The guys described Stories in the End as one of the best biographical books they’ve read in some time, explaining it felt Mr Tom was speaking directly to them even though they’d never met him. That makes me so happy! 😊

5 thoughts on “Talking on the Front Porch

    1. It was indeed! I didn’t even mind listening to it!! (I find my own voice annoying and find it odd my students think I’m exciting and should record audiobooks 🤷‍♂️ )


  1. Jay, your Front Porch interview is awesome. It was a treat to hear your voice. I feel I know you better, like your readers know Mr. Tom. I hear his voice I speaking from the pages of your book. I am impressed with your historical knowledge as well as your deep caring for Mr. Tom’s story. I hope this is only the beginning of your writing and publishing life.

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