Sunday Snackies

My pizza is in the oven so now is a good a time as any to catch up about last week.

Work this week was quite busy as we headed towards the first day of regular term classes. But a coworker helped brighten my days by gifting me two new deskmates. I’m happy to have this reputation.

I needed the happiness as my state legislature called a special session to override our governor’s vetoes and pass anti-trans and anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation. Of course they’re saying they’re protecting children, but I for one wouldn’t say that classifying children as property and using a hate group to draft your legislation is protecting anyone.

What I do know is that this will hurt children, but as they saying goes, the cruelty is the point.

I’ll do what I can to make my home and work a safe place, but that’s becoming increasingly difficult by design from those who view rights as belonging only to one segment of society.

Needless to say, I looked for bright spots this week.

Like our Cyberpunk game. In the world our GM has created, John Wick exists (he’s 80!) and has just killed The Elder as seen in the most recent movie installment. We met Wick in Osaka, but things played out very differently than in the latest movie. For instance, the character of Chidi never made it past the front desk. It’s rather difficult to walk after being force-fed an incendiary grenade.

Then this weekend we were invited to a joint birthday party. This makes two weekends in a row I’ve now gone to Baxter’s. This time I had a Bee’s Knees as well as a Last Word variant made with scotch instead of gin.

The Bee’s Knees was literally the bees knees and I will be ordering it again.

Today I wrote a bit of poetry for myself, baked brownies, made hotdogs for lunch, went to the opening day of Spirit Halloween for the spooky season, and now I’m waiting on my pizza to finish.

I got this autumn-loving Cthulhu-like squishmallow from Target while we were out, and now my timer’s going off for my pizza.

Here’s how it went:

What have you been up to?

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