Takin it Slow on a Sunday Afternoon

The days grow longer and warmer but inside we’ve got the blackout shades drawn and the AC on so draw up a chair and I’ll pour us a refreshing beverage. Let’s chat about the week that was.

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Weekend Wrap-Up

It’s the weekend, and a long one at that, so let’s sit down with some refreshing beverages and some light snacks. Maybe spin some records, and chat about this last week.

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Mushrooms, a Mushy Brain, and Music

I’ll be honest right up front: the last half of this last week has not been the best for me mentally. I’m okay, just understand that this post might not be as upbeat as normal. Then again, maybe it will be, and the writing of this post will be good for all of us. Anyway, I have pizza and chips and a ginger ale and Scooby Doo Meets Laurel and Hardy is playing on the TV so let’s sit down and chat a bit.

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National Ampersand Day 2021

Today is National Ampersand Day. 

September is also Suicide Prevention Month.

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Coronavirus Quarantine: Day 33

It was over a month ago we were given the order to teach from home. Shortly thereafter, the entire state was told to stay at home.

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