A Summer Sunday Afternoon

Grab your beverage of choice and pull up a chair. Let’s chat about what’s been going on this past week.

This week marked the end of our summer hours at work. Some folks are upset they’ll lose consistent long weekends, but I’ll be happy to better balance the physical and mental energy required for a work/life balance. Of course, I just adjusted to the summer hours about a week ago, so hurray for the upcoming distorted sleep schedule!

I checked out the thrift store a few times this week but didn’t get anything. I did see this toast holder but wasn’t feeling it and wouldn’t have a use for it and so I left it for someone else.

I was invited out to a local place Friday night to catch up with an old friend recently back in town. One of my other friends was asked at the last minute to do music as the schedule changed unexpectedly, and then other friends I’ve made in the last couple years sat near us so it really was an enjoyable evening.

It was made more enjoyable in that while cleaning out a bag I found a gift card from several years ago that hadn’t yet expired. So the grand total for my night out including tips was zero dollars.

My music friend did a solid three hours with some breaks sprinkled in and absolutely nailed a cover of One Week by Bearnaked Ladies – it was so good that we stopped talking and paid attention to the song.

And then as the evening was winding up I got a text from Krystal saying she and some of her theater folks were coming to the same place after a showing of Harvey. So I settled my bill and then joined their group elsewhere in the building until just after last call.

Friday Evening Fare

Meet Me in the Garden – strawberry infused gin, rhubarb hibiscus syrup, lemon, Angelica root tea

Blood and Sand – scotch, sweet vermouth, cherry liqueur, orange juice, orange peel | the bartender added a fresh cherry as well

Last Word – green Chartreuse, gin, lime juice, and maraschino liqueur | the bartender added a fresh cherry as well. This may now be my favorite drink to order. I’ve also been told it can be made with a smoky scotch with sweet notes instead of the gin, and I think I’m going to try that at some point . . .

Last Word was suggested by the bartender. I said, “I’m looking for something citrusy, and tonight I’m feeling partial to gin,” to which he replied

You look like someone who would enjoy Last Word.

Christian the Bartender

I must have given him a look because he tried to explain that it was a more hipster-type drink. I wasn’t sure whether that was a compliment or not but decided to take it as one. Google tells me the drink was originally created right before Prohibition in the US and all I can say is that tracks for my relative tastes.

I also had to laugh because Last Word was the name of a sword in our last D&D campaign.

Yesterday we went to a small local comic convention with two of our friends. We went as characters from The Owl House: Eda the Owl Lady, Raine Whispers, Amity Blight, and Hunter. Hooty made an appearance as Krystal’s pocketbook and of course Owlbert topped Eda’s staff. Here’s the mandatory selfie!

selfie not actually mandatory

We had a great time and so many folks were excited to see our cosplays. Our friends were shocked to find that people wanted them in pictures too!

We saw our friends from Modern Goldfish and as we were leaving the convention after several hours Krystal noticed and pointed out that on display was a wand.

a wand with a rabbit

a wand with a purple rabbit

so now it’s home with me where it belongs:

Reminiscent of Garrett

Of course that wasn’t our only purchase; among other things I got some stickers and was given Candy Camouflage by Greg (Over the Garden Wal), a round shiny from a wood nymph, and Life gave me a lemon.

Then it was off to the nearby Mellow Mushroom where our wristbands got us a discount. Krystal and I split a pizza that was new to us called The Merry Prankster:

The menu description: Take the trip less travelled. Starts with an herb aioli base layered with chicken, Italian sausage, garlic roasted red peppers, green bell peppers, mozzarella, Wisconsin aged white cheddar, and finished with an herb aioli drizzle.

It was delicious and Krystal didn’t have any problems with it thanks to it not having a tomato-based sauce.

Then we went to Hot Topic in the mall before driving home, where we introduced our friends to some scents created by Mad Labs Studios.

Today I woke up with my face feeling weird before I realized I went to sleep without washing off the makeup from my cosplay. So I washed my face before feeding my face with coffee and toast toast and Raisin Bran and a m&m-type cookie.

I watched some Scooby Doo and wrote a majority of this post before catching the last performance of Harvey, which Krystal stage managed.

Tonight I think I’ll watch more Mountain Monsters. I suspect that tomorrow I’ll forget I can sleep in by half an hour, but that’s okay. I could stand to get up with more time between rolling out of bed and rolling out the door.

What have you been up to?

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