Teaser Tuesday: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

School’s out for summer: long days complemented by sweet southern iced tea.

Dunkin Donuts Sweet Iced TeaAlthough next school year is just around the corner, the wheel of time has turned on its axis to

Teaser TuesdayJust in case you don’t know, Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! All you have to do is grab the book you’re currently reading, open to a random page and share two sentences from that page. But make sure you don’t share any spoilers!*

*I wish I could take credit for this introduction, but I shamelessly stole it from Heather over at bitsnbooks. To help me make amends, you should go check out her blog.

This week I’m reading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John le Carré.

I picked a line from page 26, the page I’m currently on as I type this:

At a certain moment, after all, every man chooses: 
will he go forward, will he go back? There was 
nothing dishonorable in not being blown about by
every little modern wind. Better to have worth,
to entrench, to be an oak of one's own generation.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Cover

In Retrospect

I actually finished several books since the last Teaser Tuesday.

American Gods by Neil Gaiman scored 5/5 stars. It seems as if people either love it or hate it. I’m one of those who love it. Based on the Goodreads reviews, those who hated it “didn’t understand” it; I guess I can understand that – a working knowledge of mythology is supremely beneficial in understanding the allusions Gaiman makes throughout.

From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne scored 3/5 stars. I understand I’m reading an English translation of a French novel written over 100 years ago, but I found the language a bit stuffy for science fiction. I also felt the novel concluded unsatisfactorily.

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote scored 4/5 stars for no other reason than I didn’t feel it deserved 5 stars. Having seen the movie (which I don’t particularly enjoy) I understand Capote’s disdain for the film adaptation. The book is always better.


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